

(773) 791-8425

Paula Rosenfeld

Paula has been dedicated to raising the consciousness of humanity for over 30 years.
In 1992, she opened her healing practice and has helped over 2,000 people (and animals!) since. She is known for her ability to create profound, long-lasting shifts in her clients’ lives around their relationships, compulsive behaviors, life purpose, holistic health, and finding happiness.

As a light-based shamanic practitioner, Paula is adept at working in the arena of energy and being the channel that connects humans to a higher consciousness. Her primary modality, the ancient practice of shamanic soul retrieval and extraction, supports reconnection to one’s innate spiritual wholeness and power.

This embracing of one’s divine self is the process of awakening to living with an open heart. Paula’s connection to the intelligence of the heart is deeply felt by her warm, uplifting presence. Her unconditional love, trust in Spirit — and gentle, yet direct coaching style — make her a true gift to friends and colleagues, and a valuable asset to her clients.

Paula has since integrated several different healing modalities into her practice, studied in India, became a published author, and has worked with thousands of individuals, as well as led meditations, shamanic journeys and other group events.

As her work deepened through the years, her mission has always remained the same: Helping people achieve healthy relationships, greater prosperity and purpose, better health, fulfillment, and manifestation of goals.